Sunday, June 6, 2021

IllumiZoo Jacksonville

We went to the LumaZoo and I took my Olympus OMD EM1 Mk II with the 12-45mm Pro f4 constant aperture lens thinking there might be a few opportunities for some shots. The displays were OK but not overwhelming. This was the most interesting view I saw.

Wanting to keep up with the wife I did not take a lot of time to check my settings so this was my first shot... mistakenly with the camera still set at ISO 200 and f stop at 5.6. The result is a unbelievable demonstration of the outstanding in-body image stabilisation of the Olympus system. The exposure time was 2.0 seconds (not 1/2 sec, a full 2 seconds). I did not brace myself more than normal but waited a long time to hear the shutter close. You can see where people and some leaves moved but much of the image is still pretty sharp.

I took several other mages after bumping th ISO, but the colors in this shot were my favorite (the colors constantly changed). To further demonstrate the sharpness I have added a 100% crop. Sure it is not perfect but still impressive.

1 comment:

  1. Back in the old days of film we could perhaps hand hold 1/60th of a second without too much blurring. Contemporary lenses and image stabilization is amazing. I can see you had great fun with your lens. What great colors in that first photo. With the bamboo and colored lights, I might think you were in China. There are places in Kunming that look just like this.
