Monday, July 16, 2012


Note sure, but I think this is a car full of coneheads.

My few loyal visitors may have noticed I have not posted for quite awhile... almost 2 weeks.  This has been a result of a couple of things... one being a summer cold that has made me not too interested in doing much.

The other is the stress of finding continued employment.  I am very pleased to say that my search has concluded, and I will soon be taking on new challenges with a new job in a new company (that is, new to me company).  I consider myself very lucky indeed in the current employment environment to find a position that I anticipate will be rewarding, assuming I will not have to work with coneheads.


  1. Yes, good luck in your new position and I hope the summer cold is over soon. And if you have to work with Coneheads remember: the're really from France.

  2. Good luck. Seven months down the line and I just feel like I've settled into my new job. It's not easy, but I'm glad I made the move.

    1. John, I am very glad that your search for a new job ended well - congratulations!

      And keep the coneheads coming - they certainly are a good topic for a small collection (just thinking of Carl Weese, who started a small fireplugs community)
